How To Create a Vector eSports Logo Design in Illustrator

In today’s Adobe Illustrator tutorial I’m going to take you through the process of creating a bold eSports style logo with a mascot graphic, from the initial sketch right through to the final vector logo art. eSports logos are a continuation of the style of American football, baseball and hockey team branding that incorporate mascot illustration with strong type and vibrant colours. The artwork I’ll be creating in this guide is for a fictional team named Rhinos, featuring a stylised illustration of a mean looking rhino character. I’ll show you how to produce the initial sketch in Photoshop, then we’ll transfer the concept over to Illustrator to develop the logo into vector graphics. 📦 Join my mailing list and get a FREE design resources bundle! ⭐️ Buy Logo Package Express for $99 (20% Off!) - ► Iron Strike Font - ⭐️ Get Photoshop and other Adobe CC programs here: ✍️ The
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