The Splendor of Color Kaleidoscope Video v1.1 Colorful Psychedelic Fractal Flame Visuals to Trip On

I’ve had severe PTSD my whole life (age 7 forward). I suffer from PARANOIA and DELUSIONS of being CONTROLLED. I made these kaleidoscope videos for people suffering from PTSD and PARANOIA. A lot of WEED and PSYCHEDELICS users use these videos to help them with PARANOIA. They focus on the colors, shapes and gentle circular rotating motion of these kaleidoscopes and it CALMS them down and gives them a more REWARDING trip. These videos are also GOOD for meditation. They are SOOTHING to crying babies, as well as older people suffering from Alzheimer’s. has been ken meyering’s public website since 1995 - ken meyering is a severely mentally ill schizophrenic writer who writes online about his own severe mental illness full-time - ken meyering suffers from pathological grandiosity, pathological fearless optimism, ptsd, paranoia and delusions of being controlled - ken thinks really big - ken is stupid brave - ken cannot help it - ken makes mistakes on purpose for educational scientific cr
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