Moranbong Band concert for the participants to the 5th conference for Korean People’s Army

조선인민군 제5차 훈련일군대회 참가자들을 위한 모란봉악단공연 Recorded: 2015-04-27 Mokran Video, DPRK After being away for over 6 months here the band is back in business again, but now without Sonu Hyang-hui. Ryu Jin-a who was absent in autumn 2014 is back as the queen of the evening with several solos. Quite a few new songs, including the “smash hit“ Let’s go to Mt. Paektu are presented. Towards the end they really build up an atmosphere of energy and patriotism. Precisely what the military training personnel will need to train new recruits. 0:48 Brilliant fatherland (빛나는 조국) Text: Pak Se-yon (박세영) Music: Ri Myon-sang (리면상) 1947 5:30 My country is the best (내 나라 제일/
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