We are extremely glad to launch AndroLife clinic which is exclusively for men who face infertility
Dr D Maheshwari, Fertility Specialist, Oasis Fertility, Chennai said, “Infertility doesn’t affect women alone. Infer tility in men has increased due to several factors like obesity, lack of exercise, pollution, erratic lifestyle, expos ure to heat and hazardous chemicals, excessive gadget use, delayed parenthood, etc. We have an array of trea tment options for males and through these, we help even men with low sperm count to achieve fatherhood. Th rough Fertility Preservation technique, we enable male cancer patients to begin their family in the future by preserving their fertility before cancer treatment”.
Speaking on the occasion, Dr C Dev Krishna, Consultant Andrologist, Oasis Fertility, Chennai stated, “Globally, the fertility in men younger than 30 years has decreased by 15% according to research. As we understand the sensibilities when it comes to male infertility which calls for compassionate and exclusive care for men, we have set up AndroLife through which we offer all treatments pertaining to