Part 2 of 2 Commercial Real Estate Investing Mastermind Q & A from Investors Throughout USA

Part 2 of 2 Commercial Real Estate Investing Mastermind Q & A from Investors Throughout USA Commercial Real Estate Investing Mastermind hostd by Pat Gage on December 12 On this weeks’ Mastermind call we covered a lot of viewers questions that you may want to hear. These calls are set up also as a way to network with other like minded investors from all over the country. Bring your open mind and questions and have some great times. To join the next Mastermind call, visit: and register. Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Our company, The Block G Group, LLC, can help you invest in apartment complexes. We purchase and re-position cash-flowing apartment buildings and pay our investors solid returns on their investment. Set up a 30 min FREE no obligation call by clicking on this link: Learn more and
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