IRON Series 30 Min Full Body Workout - Dumbbell Circuits | 4

A full body workout involving a circuit format…but not as many reps as possible. This circuit will focus on how we perform each rep from the controlling of the dumbbell whilst lowering in particular, ensuring as best range of motion is performed and aiming for quality reps over the quantity. A slow pace workout that will promote muscle growth and actually really get that heart rate elevated too! The timer will be on throughout for 40 seconds of work per exercise, with 20 seconds rest inbetween! The dumbbells I am using for the first 5 exercises within the circuit are 2 x . For the final 4 exercises, I am using 2 x 10kg each. The circuit is simply performed for 3 rounds! BENT OVER ROW STATIC LUNGE SWITCH SIDE! RDL CHEST PRESS PUSH PRESS HEEL ELEVATED SQUAT REAR STEP LUNGE (one side) SWITCH SIDE! FINISHER! 40/20/40/20 MAKER! ALTERNATING REAR LUNGE MAKER! ALTE
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