Listen: Join Raja channel MUDRA is a Ukrainian ethnic composition in a modern electronic sound. The culture and strength of our ancestors has been preserved and reverberates through the years. Filled with the sincerity of children’s singing and the wisdom of shamanic mantras - MUDRA emits special vibrations that the listener feels. The song broadcasts the indomitable will of our land and people. MUDRA is a drop in the sea of ​​love at a time when the world is dominated by an ocean of hatred. Music producer: Raja & Nikita Bohdanov nikita_bogdanov_music/ Special thanks to : Ihor Sharanda & Ann Bakay Thanks to the wonderful team: Director: Yura Katynsky / @yurakatynsky Executive producer: Kateryna Hradnova-Savytska / @ DoP: Dmytro Zahlynskyi / @ Edit: Ivan Kolpak / @kolpaquee Artistic mentor: Valeriy Topal /@valera_topal 1ST AD: Maryna Nikitina / @ Admins: Ilya Shlykov / [id140455859|@ilya_ok] , Boris Savenko / @borisssavenko Gaffer: Yaroslav Naumenko /@yarosurafun Focus puller: Volodymyr Ivanusa / @vovaivanusa_dop 1AC: Viktor Konkevych Costume assistant: Anastasia Padalka / @q_conceptual_clothing Makeup and hair stylist: Olha Dyadyun / @olya_dyadyun_mua Artist: Tamara Turliun / @tamaraturliun Artist studio: Abracadabra Art Lab / @ABRACADABRAARTLAB Bubbleman: Valery Skachek / @valeryskachek Casting: Daryna Topikha / @topishechka , Viktoriia Hryhorieva / @ from «ICONIC agency» / @ Actors: Korsunskyi Mykola Belyakov Timur Havrylenko Karina Milana Ryzhova Onishchenko Valeria Bassarab Ivan Yaromyr Rubanko Nemchik Nikol Tiufanova Vanessa Krasina Ellada Color: Maryna Tkachenko / @mmarixaxa VFX: SAVKA / [club72529947|@savkadesign] Big thanks: Misha Lubarskyi / @misko_lubarsky , Martinenko Valeria / @lera_maart , Donets Darina / @donets_darina , Sasha Shkrabak / @sashax___ Rental company: PX Rental / @px_rental Location: National Cinematheque of Ukraine Admin rental: Big Brothers Rental / @bigbrothersrental Catering: DANYA Food / @
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