How to calculate nucleotide mutation rate

Martin Edward Kreitman is an American geneticist at the University of Chicago, most well known for the McDonald–Kreitman test that is used to infer the amount of adaptive evolution in population genetic studies. In genetics, the mutation rate is the frequency of new mutations in a single gene or organism over rates are not constant and are not limited to a single type of mutation, therefore there are many different types of mutations. Mutation rates are given for specific classes of mutations. Point mutations are a class of mutations which are changes to a single base. Missense and Nonsense mutations are two subtypes of point mutations. The rate of these types of substitutions can be further subdivided into a mutation spectrum which describes the influence of the genetic context on the mutation rate. #Genetics #DNA #mutation #nonsenseMutation #NikolaysGeneticsLessons #FrameshiftMutation #missenseMutations #mRNA #codons #aminoAcids #nucleicAcids #Transversion #PointMutation #missenseMutation #DegeneracyOfCodons #SilentMutations #neutralMutation #synonymousMutation
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