How to predict Selection response (Breeding and Selection)

The selection response is how much gain you make when mating the selected parents. Remember, the narrow sense heritability is a measure of the genetic component that is contributed by the additive genetic variance. The response to selection can thus be derived by multiply the heritability by the selection differential. The selection differential is the difference of the base population mean and the mean of the selected parents. The selection response is how much gain you make when mating the selected parents. #breeding #selection #genotype #phenotype #heritability #population #AnimalBreeding #animalSelection #Genetics #selectionDifferential #populationMean #NarrowSenseHeritability #geneticVatiance #Allele #populationGenetics #QuantitativeGenetics #ResponseToSelection #phenotypicValue #basePopulationMean #meanOfTheSelectedParents #additiveGeneticVariance #heriability #NikolaysGeneticsLessons
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