How to name short Oligopeptides

The names of peptides reflect the names of the amino acid residues involved in the amide linkages, beginning at the N terminus. All except the last are given the -yl suffix of acyl groups. For example, the following dipeptide is named alanylserine. The ala- nine residue has the -yl suffix because it has acylated the nitrogen of serine. Bradykinin is named as follows (without any spaces): arginyl prolyl prolyl glycyl phenylalanyl seryl prolyl phenylalanyl arginine This is a cumbersome and awkward name. A shorthand system is more convenient, representing each amino acid by its three-letter abbreviation. These abbreviations are generally the first three letters of the name. Once again, the amino acids are arranged from the N terminus at the left to the C terminus at the right. Bradykinin has the following abbreviated name: Arg-Pro-Pro-Gly-Phe-Ser-Pro-Phe-Arg Single-letter symbols are becoming widely used as well. Using single letters, we symbolize bradykinin by RPPGFSPFR #bioinformatics #biochemistryNomenclature #Genetics #aminoAcids
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