Sailing to Byzantium - William Butler Yeats (+Sailing to Byzantium summary)[no country for old man]

I hope you enjoy watching my video. Hope to see you again. Please don’t forget to click the SUBSCRIBE button. #life #inspirational #poetry In the poem, the speaker (an old man) tells the story of a journey to Byzantium, an old Greek colony (later Constantinople, and then Istanbul, Turkey). He describes a sense of alienation he experienced in his country (perhaps Ireland) where only the young and new and the worldly pleasures (“sensual music”) are appreciated, with “monuments of unaging intellect” neglected. He leaves his country and sails to Byzantium, a historical place known as a center for arts and intellectualism, where his artistic legacy can be appreciated for eternity. The poem was written in the late 1920’s when the poet was in his 60’s. Some speculate that the old man (the speaker) in this poem reflects the poet’s own feeling of alienation then in Ireland.
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