Tom Holland, Zendaya and Marisa Tomei star in new Spiderman | Studio 10

Subscribe now for more! Check out our home on 10play: Spiderman is back, and Angela catches up with stars Tom Holland, Zendaya and Marisa Tomei to talk about the web slinger’s return to the big screen. Start your day with a dose of sunshine 🌞 and join the feelgood fun 🙌 with Sarah Harris and Tristan MacManus every weekday from 8am on Network 10 Australia! Facebook: Twitter: (@studio10au) Instagram: (@studio10au) #Studio10 #SpiderManNoWayHome #TomHolland #Zendaya #MarisaTomei #AndrewGarfield #TobeyMaguire #Marvel #MCU #SinisterSix #Multiverse
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