Check out the BMD Air Assault Battalion and more for Red Dawn over at the official Team Yankee site!
Luckily, the events of Team Yankee are that of historical fiction - World War III didn’t begin in 1985 with the Soviet invasion of the United States. Still, it’s one of the great What If? scenarios of the 20th Century, perfect for wargaming! Painting camo patterns in this small scale can seem daunting, but the truth is that it’s much easier than you might expect - let your washes and basecoats do the hard work for you!
00:00 - Intro
00:43 - Assembly & Priming
02:13 - Basecoats
07:05 - Sh
08:32 - Highlights
10:44 - Painting the Hats
12:56 - The Finished Paratroopers
Thanks to Producer Patrons Alan Nuttall, Kyrie Crawford, Andrew, Jimmy, and Rod - as well as all the other Patrons that made this video possible, and Exit23 Games for recording equipment that helps keep the channel ticking over! Find out more at the following links:
THE BASE: Vallejo diorama effects ’Brown Earth,’ drybrushed Dark Sand and paint the rim in Brown Sand. Apply static grass and tufts as you like. Easy as!
Death Guard Green (Citadel Spray)
Nurgling Green (Dry)
Leadbelcher (Base)
Baneblade Brown (Layer)
Caledor Sky (Base)
Hoeth Blue (Layer)
Red Leather
Orange Brown
US Field Drab
German Camo Beige
Pale Sand
Gunship Green
Soft Tone
Munitorum Varnish (Citadel Spray)Show more