I know it has been done already but I really wanted to do this one and is also looking very different
0:00 - Finn, the Hero
0:04 - Finn, the Hero
0:08 - Jake, the Dog
0:12 - Jake, the Dog
0:16 - BMO, the Robot
0:20 - The Treehouse
0:24 - Ice King, the Mad
0:28 - Ice King, the Mad
0:32 - Gunter, the Cryptic
0:36 - The Ice Kingdom
0:40 - Bubblegum, the Princess
0:44 - Various Candy People
0:48 - Various Candy People
0:52 - Lemongrab, the Unacceptable
0:56 - Lemongrab Rejected Costumes
1:00 - Lemongrab Rejected Costumes
1:04 - Lemongrab Rejected Costumes
1:08 - Banana Guard
1:12 - Banana Knight
1:16 - Bubblegum’s Guard
1:20 - Candy Kingdom
1:24 - Hunson Abadeer, Ruler of Nightosphere
1:28 - Marceline, the Vampire Queen
1:32 - Empress, the Vampire
1:36 - The Vampire King
1:40 - The Lich
1:44 - Lumpy, the Space Princess
1:48 - Phoebe, the Flame Princess
1:52 - The Huntress Wizard
1:56 - Lady Rainicorn
2:00 -