All Changes Made to Star Wars׃ Return of the Jedi (Comparison Video)

A comparison video comparing all changes added into Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi in the 1997 Special Edition and subsequent releases. This video is purely objective and I’ve refrained from making any kind of strong opinion on anything, its here to show off all the changes as far as I know of while presented in an organized, relatively chronological order of the film. Okay, so I don’t think Jedi has as many added scenes, shots and adjustments as A New Hope, but I think it certainly has the most controversial changes. What’s more is how RotJ seems to get a major revision with each release. At least with Episode IV and V, they remained relatively the same since the 2004 DVD. I have no strong opinion on the changes, really. Being someone who grew up watching the 1997 VHS (which I still own), I like some elements from the original and some of the enhancements later added. Form your own opinion based on your Star Wars experience. Post a comment and remember that not everyone grew up in the same time or
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