🔵 This video has been created with respect and appreciation on Chris Rea’s music!
◉ Video Editing by sbc 🎧 Format MP4 2K
Fantastic instrumental work of Chris Rea, melancholy memory through the “slide“ from his guitar, transporting us to a legendary past, motivating with every note of his personal style, on a musical journey that touches perfection.
Instrumental Chris Rea with the Delmonts
Artist: Chris Rea
Composer: Chris Rea
Music Publisher: Jazze Blue
The Return of the Fabulous Hofner Bluenotes is the twenty-second studio album by Chris Rea, released in 2008. It comprises 3CDs and 2 x 10“ Vinyl records in an 80-page hardback book. It is the second album of his project, the Hofner Blue Notes.
The book relates the history of ’The Delmonts’, an imaginary band in the early 1960s, who evolved into The Hofner Bluenotes. It also gives a brief history of the Hofner guitar and its importance in the development of music in Britain. T
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