How cancer vaccines are made?

Many of you probably would be amazed to learn how many vaccines aganst different types of cancers are now in the development - today I would like explane about one such dtequnicue. This approach involves constructing a vaccine out of cancer cells that have been removed from the patient during surgery. The killed tumor cells are processed in a lab to make them more “visible“ to the immune system, then re-injected into the patient along with an immune-stimulating compound. The patient’s immune system launches a vigorous attack not only on the newly-injected cancer cells but also on similar cells throughout the body. An example of this type of vaccine is GVAX, which is used to treat pancreatic cancer and is the subject of a recently completed clinical trial in patients with acute myelogenous leukemia. A recently opened trial is testing it in pediatric patients with neuroblastoma. Keep watching in my following videos I will explain other aproaches to create cancer veccine as well.
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