Band Maid [TGT] Part 1: The Appetizers - Hanging with Bridear, Risky Melody, and more!

#bandmaid #bandmaidreaction #bridear #riskymelody SJ Nix interviews MNN’s very own Peter Lim on his TGT weekend. In Part 1, he shares about his three-show weekend, starting Saturday night and leading up to the Tokyo Garden Okyu-ji itself on Monday. Hear him talk about his cozy and up-close experience with Bridear, as well as his three-band experience on Sunday night, with Risky Melody, Little Lilith and Maze. And special thanks to: @BRIDEARofficial @RiskyMelody @littlelilith5584 @osakiyuki (Little Lilith) Maze for such a wonderful and memorable weekend! Check out their music! Links to their YouTube Channels: @BRIDEARofficial @UCugV2ltRu7ZEDOU2ZyaL_dw @littlelilith5584 Facebook: Twitter: Peter’s personal Twitter:
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