Joris Voorn - Ryo

Stream & Download Ryo: “I wrote Ryo for my youngest son Ryoma. The chord structure was the first thing I played when I bought a new Prophet 6 synthesizer. The vibe was very uplifting, but with a melancholic touch that inspired me to dedicate it to my son, just like I did with another track of mine, Ringo.” The music video is a visualisation of a young boy’s journey. We follow him on his trip through a serene looking sand dune landscape towards a lighthouse overlooking a dramatic industrial park. Guided by the sun, the boy finds his way into the lighthouse and climbs the stairs, by nighttime he reaches the top overlooking the mysterious factories in the far distance. The short film was shot by Frank Emous in collaboration with Joris and his son Ryo. Besides being a great cameraman, Frank often travels the world, supporting Joris on the road. Follow Joris Voorn:
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