Moranbong Band - Medley of Party songs

모란봉악단 - 경음악과 노래련곡 Recorded: Mokran Video DPRK It is October (10월입니다) Music: Ri Jong-o (리종오) 1995 Text: Jong Yong-ho (정영호) Hail to the Worker’s Party of Korea (조선로동당 만세) Music: Om Ha-jin (엄하진) 1980 Instrumental Let’s defend the Party Central to our death (당중앙을 목숨으로 사수하자) Music: Ri Tong-jun (리동준) 1959 Instrumental Bosom of the Mother Party (어머니당의 품) Music: Yu Myong-chol (유명철) 1979 Text: Kim Song-jo (김성조) The voice that calls me (나를 부르는 소리) Music: U Jong-hui (우정희) 1989 Text: Jon Tongu (전동우) I
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