115 Сура, Аль-Хитами. () سورة الختام

Аллах послал нам 115 суру, Закрывающую, передаю её всем людям. CLOSING SURA 115 115: 1 O believers and unbelievers, people of the scriptures and others! 115: 2 The time has come to reveal the secret of the Qur’an, which you have read and did not understand. 115: 3 Few understood the meaning of this book, the rest did not open their minds, reading my riddles. 115: 4 I, Allah Almighty and all-subtle, did I not tell you that only I can deceive everyone? 115: 5 Why didn’t you see the injustice in my words, why didn’t you notice the contradictions? 115: 6 If I told you to cut off your ear or nose, would you cut it off? 115: 7 How could I, the Creator of all living things, wish evil and suffering for some of my creatures? 115: 8 Why are you looking at my words and not seeing the meaning? 115: 9 If I told you that the moon is green, would you accept it? 115: 10 You have grieved me, I am leaving you, for you are unworthy of my grace! 115: 11 I tell you, true believers, take from the Qur’an only the good that I wanted
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