’’Development, engineering and production ofUnmanned Aerial Vehicles’’

❗️ ATTENTION❗ IMPORTANT OFFER❗ 🚨PROPOSAL for cooperation and partnership in a consortium with financing and the implementation of a PROJECT- ’’Development, engineering and production ofUnmanned Aerial Vehicles’’ in the United Arab Emirates and multiplying the same in Qatar! 🚨 There is an opportunity for partner participation in a forming consortium and a procedure for financing a specific project and its implementation on the territories of two countries of the Persian Peninsula. 🚨The project amounts to no less than 650,000,000 euros 🚨We help in the full financing of a ready-made and fully structured project in the field of renewable energy! 🚨With our guarantee - issuance of BONDS and full financing for the realization of the project/Financing at the expense of the issued bonds. 🚨The project supports a guarantee of 100% of the construction cost! 🚨Grants and Financial instruments for sustainability and development. 🚨Guarantor/Partner: Union National Bank (UNB) through its subsidiary Union Brokerage Company (UBC) in partnership with: 🚨Guarantor/Initiator-’’GLOBAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE - HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT AND INNOVATION’’ (SPECIAL JOINT STOCK COMPANY -SCA) 🚩/With authorized capital paid in and confirmed by a Swiss court - 1,310,000,000 CHF/ Geneva SWITZERLAND 🚩Availability of various own laboratory-research complexes in: Northern Ireland, USA, CHILE, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Australia (all laboratory-research complexes are currently under construction) 🚨“ElvitaCapital Suiss“(ECS®️) SA Geneva, Switzerland 🚩IS A SUBSIDIARY COMPANY: “GLOBAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE - HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT AND INNOVATION“ SCA ⭐️⭐️⭐ ️ #ElvitaCapitalSuissSA #EkaterinaAntonova #ExecutiveDirector #Geneva #Switzerland #StrategicFinancialProjects #BusinessGuarantee #StadbyLetterCredit #BridgeLoan #ReverseMergerSolutions #DebtCapital #RasingCapital #GreenBondsServices #LinkedLoanSSL #StartupFundingBonds #DisstresedDebtCapital #ProofService
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