A Complete Contemporary Dance Class #1- warm up, adage, allegro and a choreographed routine - ICV

A Complete Contemporary Dance Class #1 - Full dance class with warm up, adage, allegro and a choreographed routine - ITALIA CONTI VIRTUAL This is a short contemporary dance routine with choreography by our contemporary dance teacher Lisa Rowley. This is video has one exercise from Contemporary dance class series. The contemporary classes we upload will reflect the normal structure of Lisa Rowley’s masterclasses at The Italia Conti academy and at the Italia Conti arts centre. Have a good class! Disclaimer of liability You should consult your physician/doctor or health care provider before starting any exercise program, especially if you have pre-existing injuries or physical conditions. The illustrated exercises and suggested training programs provided by Italia Conti and Italia Conti Virtual is for general informational purposes only. The illustrated exercises and suggested training programs contained within this content has been put together by tr
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