Bear eats elk calf alive - RAW uncut version - Yellowstone National Park

Warning: This video contains GRAPHIC footage of a bear eating an elk calf and includes distressing sound. This is the raw footage from the “Bear eats live elk calf“ video you can see here: This footage was taken from the bridge just outside Tower-Rosevelt on the way into the Lamar Valley - Yellowstone National Park. The bear is a cinnamon coloured black bear - don’t be fooled by its colour! There are many “brown“ coloured black bears. This one is quite large, and seems to have a number of issues including a limp and eye problem. This footage starts as the bear is about to locate the elk calf. You can see that it is using its nose to follow the scent that it picks up in the grass. The bear then runs under the bridge (video cuts) and on the other side of the bridge is where it locates the elk calf. It then drags the calf all the way up the hill to sit under a tree, where it rests to catch its breath. At this point, the calf is still clearly alive... 0:58 When the bear first
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