Super Mario 64 - Shifting Sand Land - Stand Tall on all Four Pillars - 63/120

This level is the same in both Super Mario 64 and its remake. In this mission, Mario must stand over the four pillars surrounding the pyramid. To do so, the plumber needs to be Wing Mario or use the Koopa Shell to reach at least two of the pillars over a pool of quicksand. The other two pillars can be reached by just running onto them. After Mario has stood atop all the pillars, the top of the pyramid will collapse, revealing another entrance which Mario then enters. This entrance will lead the plumber to the chamber where the fourth Power Star awaits. However, the star cannot be gained yet because Mario has to fight against Eyerok, the monster of the pyramid. In battle, Eyerok will attempt to push Mario off the platform into a Bottomless Pit, or even try crushing him with its rock hands. Mario must hit Eyerok’s eyes three times each to destroy him and gain the power star. ★ LINKS: • Video Description by - • MGZ Channel - • Facebook Fanpage - • Twitter Feed -
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