Animal Watch travels to Shropshire to Lorokmor Training Facilities to meet Ian Morgan who trains top of the line Dutch Shepherds for police and personal protection work. Anneka meets some extremely fierce and loyal fully trained protection dogs, one that if it realises that I’m holding him for the main photo and not Ian would have spun round on her, as he is bonded to Ian and only Ian. Theses dogs are not only lightening fast, but some of the most trainable dogs on planet earth - Rivalling the Malinois only these dogs are trained for elite military work and wildlife protection in Africa, due to their light frame and versatility. Will Anneka survive, watch and find out! Lorokmor: Define Photoz: Presented, Written and Produced by Anneka Svenska Filmed and Edited by Ellen Hope Cobb To subscribe to our channels click here: (Animal Watch) and (GreenWorldTV) Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @annekasvenskaofficial Anneka’s website: A GreenWorldTV Production #AnimalWatch This film cannot be duplicated on other YouTube channels or other media platforms without written permission from GreenWorldTV DISCLAIMER: “The primary purpose of ’Animal Watch’ is to inform and educate. ’Animal Watch’ is not responsible and does not independently verify for accuracy all of the claims and opinions expressed in the episodes. Episode content does not constitute generic or specific professional advice, endorsement or services. The views, information, or opinions expressed during [the] Animal Watch episodes are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily represent and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any other individual, agency, organisation or company.“ #dutchshepherd #dutchherder #protectiondog #guarddog
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