Eastern and Western Civilizations in a Spiritual Light by Rudolf Steiner

September 23, 1921 “Eastern and Western civilizations in a spiritual light; love and fear; world-knowledge and self-knowledge; the Western mysteries (Ireland); Bulwer-Lytton and his novel Zanoni; the inner nature of the human being as a reflecting apparatus; the source of destruction within the human being as the prerequisite of the independent, thinking human being; the origin of fear in Western civilization; the mystery of evil; the contrasting nature of Eastern and Western blood; the Washington Conference; the comments of General Smuts.“ From Cosmosophy volume 1, 1921, a set of 11 lectures given by Rudolf Steiner (CW 207) (Titles of individual videos in general not titles given by Rudolf Steiner) ---------- All rights reserved. Rudolf Steiner Press in association with Rudolf Steiner Audio. ---------
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