me: -tries my very best to create cool looking text effects for a video-
ray: i like ur funky words, magic man
so i tried to do some editing for this! i stopped around the chorus in case it was too distracting, i didn’t want to ruin the entire video if so. or maybe im just lazy. probably both! anyways this song has been stuck in my head forever now. i love hiiragi kirai songs w a PASSION.
xiao may have taken over my team on genshin but scaramouche still reigns supreme over my heart
and brain.
brain, mostly.
scaramouche brainrot.
bless kamilla for helping me with this motion, seriously T_T ily
i have like 5 different video ideas and no time to do them :)
if you’d like to hang out with me & my friends casually, join my discord server! we’re super open and friendly, and sometimes I post previews there~
follow my twitter, sometimes I post thumbnails and whatnot in full HD~
2 months ago 00:07:04 1
ЧТО МОЖНО ВЫБИТЬ ЗА 90 КРУТОК??!! ОТКРЫТИЕ МОЛИТВ Мавуики и Ситлали | Genshin Impact 5.3
2 months ago 00:00:16 1
Capitano & Childe to Funky Town
3 months ago 00:03:19 1
When a Genshin Impact fan see’s Wuthering Waves 2.0 Update