Wonderful cake - without baking recipe. Aerated and mega easy to prepare!

Wonderful cake - without baking recipe. Aerated and mega easy to prepare! Ingredients: for the base: biscuits - 250 g (8.8 oz) melted butter - 100 ml (3.4 fl oz) To cold 30 min for the cream: cheese cream - 400 g (14 oz) milk - 50 ml (⅕ cup) powdered sugar - 90 g (3 oz) cappuccino-flavored powder - 50 g ( oz) vanilla essence - 5 ml (1 tsp) cream - 250 ml ( fl oz) profiterol - 20 pieces To cold 1h for the glaze: chocolate - 120 g ( oz) melted butter - 80 ml (⅓ cup) roasted almond flakes - 20 g (0.7 oz) To cold 1 h Tray diameter 20 cm (8 in) Follow us on: Facebook:
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