Royal Space Force - Daft Punk - Contact AMV The Wings of Honneamise

Anime: Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honnêamise Music: Daft Punk - Contact 王立宇宙軍 オネアミスの翼 My first video. Gainax first movie. A very “traditional“ stype of amv. No special effects used, just cuts and speed changes. I thought this song and this anime just go together. One of the most beautifully designed and animated films ever. Wish I had time to show off more of the aesthetic scenery shots and cityscapes, or any of the films romantic or religious aspects, but alas. Tribute to Astronaut Eugene Cernan (1934 - 2017) of Apollo 10 & 17 whose voice it is at the start of this song. I decided to finish making this video because of the news of his death. Also Wings of Honneamise’s 30th anniversary in 2017.
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