🥕 Harvest and Home ebook:
🍓Traditional Eating ebook:
Welcome to my series, Eating from the Larder! We spent all summer and autumn putting up food and we are now enjoying our toil! Each episode is short and sweet, featuring a breakfast, lunch, a snack, and dinner— made from things we’ve canned, frozen, or have stored in our pantry. These meals are not necessarily all from the same day, just whenever I get a chance to take out my camera and film what I’m making. It is my hopes that this series inspires you to eat from your own “larder” or “pantry”, even if you don’t have a garden or do your own canning.
In this episode we use up some cranberries frozen at the peak of cranberry season for muffins, make refried beans from scratch, crack open a can of summer salsa, and enjoy biscuits with a big bowl of hearty soup. Cozy up and join me in my kitchen :)