3 INCREDIBLE IDEAS from junk materials. How to make cool DIY crafts from trash

In this video, we will show you how you can make cool DIY crafts from almost junk materials! Three completely different ideas, in different styles and forms, but all of them are united by the fact that they are based on essentially garbage material (plastic bottles, containers, canisters) 1. Mini vase made from bottles and old nylon tights 0:00 2. Decorative mini flower pot made from a plastic container and jute twine 4:10 3. Hanging outdoor flower pot from a plastic canister 6:49 Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound“ “ decoration ideas, craft ideas, handicraft, master sergeich, um vaso de flores com suas próprias mãos imitation jeans decor style idéias de lixo artesanato de lixo idéias de materiais de lixo de materiales basura
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