From Concept To Miniature - Bringing The Morat Action Pack To Life | Infinity #RaveneyeWeek

► Raveneye Pre-Orders ► Check Out More From Raveneye Week ► Our Website: ► Our Store: Join us as we chat with Carlos and Killian about Corvus Belli’s design ideas for the new Morat Action Pack and Raveneye releases. From concept to miniature; what does it take to bring these 28mm Sci-Fi Infinity miniatures to life? ► Comment On Raveneye Week Videos To WIN 1 Of 3 Copies Of Operation Crimson Stone We’ll be looking at some amazing concept art from the designers at Corvus Belli and how that turned into renders and the final product that you get to use on the tabletop. I can’t think of which miniatures I like the most? How are you going to paint your Morat Action Pack when it arrives? ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●`
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