Happy New Year | Sri Chinmoy

May the beauty of the New Year Beautify my heart. May the purity of the New Year Purify my mind. May the simplicity of the New Year Simplify my vital. May the intensity of the New Year Intensify my body. May the responsibility of the New Year Glorify my life. May only the divinity of the New Year Fully satisfy me. SFL 45. 1 January 1997, Takamatsu, Japan Sri Chinmoy, My sweet Father-Lord, where are You?, Agni Press, 1999 *** My spiritual children, your new year has to be the year of faith and not of doubt. Your new year has to be the year of joy and not of despair. Your new year has to be the year of achievement and fulfilment and not of failure and disgrace. Your new year has to be the year of immortalising life and not of darkening death. Sri Chinmoy, Arise! Awake! Thoughts of a yogi, Frederick Fell, Inc, New York, 1972 *** I shall become my
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