TroyeSivan18 - Tell Me Why

***NOTE***: I AM NOT SIX, I WAS SICK, i am thirteen as of June 5th. (sorry its my aussie accent kicking in :) ) Hey Guyz! Sorry I haven’t made vid FEEL TERRIBLE! lol :) This is a GREAT song and i know it means a heck of a lot to me as im sure it does to a lot of you as well. At the moment I’m sick so sorry for the few “off“ notes in there lol heheh. CHECK OUT MY MYSPACE!! My C.D featuring 5 songs including There’s A Hero, Angels Brought Me Here, Somewhere Over The Rainbow, Unsung Hero and The Prayer is now on sale for AUD $15 including postage to anywhere in the world! Buy Now! (NOTE: this is not my official website, only a temporary one for purchsing C.d’s) Cya and Enjoy!, Troye Sivan X-tra Tags: Andrew Johnston Britain’s Got Talent 08 Lisa Lavie Young Logan Wolverine 2009 X-Men Me Singing Chris
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