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Showcasing the similarities and differences between the 5e Bard and BG3 Bard. Which one is better?
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Bards are one of the MOST POPULAR CLASSES found in Dungeons and Dragons. Conjuring up many BARD MEMES about SEDUCING and wanting to SLEEP WITH DRAGONS. Many forget that Bards are born storytellers, artists, negotiators, and many other things in the world of art and creativity. As they WEAVE THE SOUND AROUND THEM to cast their spells, how does the BALDUR’S GATE 3 BARD compare to its counterpart: 5TH EDITION BARD? BG3 BARD is based off of the 5E BARD in terms of mechanics and playstyle, but how different are they? And which version of the Bard is better?
One Shot Questers is a sketch comedy channel dedicated to tabletop role-playing games, encompassing a range of titles such as Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition (DnD 5e), Pathfinder (PF 1, PF 2), City of Mist, and DC20. Our content covers a variety of TTRPG topics, including news, class or character stereotypes, guides & how to’s on gameplay, rules, tips, tricks, and much more, all presented in a humorous and entertaining skit. For a quick taste of our most popular content, check out our short-form videos on platforms like TikTok, YouTube Shorts, and Instagram Reels.
#D&D #dnd #dragonheirsilentgods
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