The learning objective of this section is to get acquainted with the different lights, shapes and sound signals that may be used by different types of vessels
Lights and shapes
Visibility of lights
Lights displayed by power-driven vessels underway
Lights for vessels towing and pushing
Lights for sailing and rowing vessels
Lights for fishing vessels
Lights for vessels not under command or restricted in their ability to manoeuvre
Lights for vessels constrained by their draught
Lights for pilot vessels
Lights for vessels anchored and aground
Lights for seaplanes
Definitions of whistle
Manoeuvring and warning signals, using whistle or lights
Sound signals to be used in restricted visibility
Signals to be used to attract attention
Distress signals
ANNEX I – Positioning and technical details of lights and shapes
ANNEX II – Additional signals for fishing vessels fishing in close proximity
ANNEX III – Technical details of
5 months ago 00:08:19 44
Rule 14 - Head-On Situation/ Colregs/ ROR
2 years ago 00:04:56 5
Quick and simple guide to ship lights remembering the colour combinations