MICHAEL vs JASON: Evil Emerges (2019) | Short Fan Film HD | Directed by Luke Pedder
A short fan film we did with no budget. Literally no budget. Nothing was raised, no kick-starters. nothing. We used everything we had at the time and worked with what we could.
The two most iconic killers face off and battle to the death!
Opening/Jason awakes: 0:00
Michael is transported: 1:49
Opening Titles: 5:37
Michael’s Execution: 6:54
Michael chases down Corporal: 10:08
Jason appears from the forest: 11:55
Michael meets Jason/Fight 1: 12:27
Jason walks to property : 16:27
Fight 2: 18:04
Property owners arrive: 20:50
Fight 3: 23:18
Evil never dies: 27:04
End Credits: 27:36
INSTA: @radical_talent
DO NOT re-upload this fan film. Any re-uploads will be removed
Radical talent is not in any way associated with the Friday the 13th or Halloween Franchises. This is a not for profit fan film made by fans. Michael and Jason characters belong to their copyright owners
#michaelmyers #michaelvsjason #radicaltalent
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6 days ago 00:42:34 13
ПОЧЕМУ Я НЕНАВИЖУ СССР. “Неосталинист“ Рудой, Майкл Наки, Badcomedian VS Совок