Оффенбах Ж.Доктор Окс
Prascovia - Aurelia Legay
Shaoura - Jacques Gomez
Naia - Sarah Jouffroy
Alda - Sylvia Kevorkian
Ox, a scientist - Christophe Crapez
Miss Ygene - Emmanuelle Goize
M. Van Tricasse - Alain Tretout
Mrs Van Tricasse - Claire Delgado-Boge
Suzel - Edwige Parat
Lotche - Karine Godefroy
Niklausse / Koukouma - Cristophe Grapperon
M. Josse / Ararat - Jean-Christophe Hurtaud
Frantz - Loic Boissier
The dignitary from Virgamen - Laurent Bourdeaux
The narrator / a kid - Stephan Druet
Postman at the fete / a foreman - Patrick Ledoux
“Les Brigands” opera company
Conductor - Benjamin Levy
Instrumentation - Thibault Perrine
Director - Stephan Druet
Costumes Designer - Elizabeth de Sauverzac
Scenography - Florence Evrard
Lighting - Philippe Lacombe
Producers - Odile Cartolli, Amiral Lda
Film Director - Philippe Beziat
Recorded at the Athenee Theatre Louis Jouvet in Paris, France in December 2003
7 months ago 02:36:38 7
Ж.Оффенбах. Сказки Гофмана. Свердловский театр оперы и балета (1988)
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Giulia Gudnicova, Alexander Naumov. Ж. Оффенбах. Песня цыганки из оперетты “Доктор Окс“