4 Ingredient Baked Ravioli Recipe That’s Easy and Tastes Like Heaven
I remember growing up and having ravioli in a can. Good old Chef Boyardee. The funny part is, I simply loved it. Then, as I got older, I had the opportunity to experience true Italian ravioli. Suddenly, gone were the days of Chef Boyardee, and sadly he had to throw in his apron. The Times I decided to make ravioli from scratch or laborious and time consuming but in the long run often worth the effort. Where I made up the simple four ingredient baked ravioli recipe and was shocked at the outcome. I never thought that somethings so simple could be so easy.
To make this recipe all you need is a bag of pre-made ravioli, a jar of spaghetti sauce, some grated cheese, and spinach. Of course, you can use the ingredients of your choice and the ones I have mentioned are interchangeable. Also feel free to spice the recipe up using the seasoning of your choice. For example, some Italian seasoning, garlic powder, onion powder, and other types of seasoning would certainly not go amiss.
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2 months ago 00:05:23 1
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2 months ago 00:03:07 1
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