DCS Су-25 Одиночная миссия _Mi-8 Trouble_

17 October 2016: As a response to our involvement in the Ukrainian crisis and in Syria, the Georgians have commenced an operation to destabilize southern Russia. With the help of the Ukrainian HUR MOU, the Georgians have smuggled insurgents and weapons across the border. Recently, tensions have escalated after a Mi-8 was shot down while on patrol along the border with Georgia. This signals a new phase of operations to provide MANPADS, meant to provide the insurgents protection against Russian aircraft. Therefore, the grouping at Mozdok has been strengthened to show the Georgians that any threat will be met with force. Your callsign 10-1. Your mission yesterday against the insurgent group was successful. However, it seemed to have increased their activity. They are trying to go further North and we had the first encounter earlier today. A helicopter carrying troops was damaged on its way back to base and made an emergency landing. The helicopter of the rescue party was also attacked and made a landing nearby. The threat of MANPADS is unknown. Do not cross the border under any circumstances. Else, the Georgians have a reason to shoot you down.
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