Vocal Version of The Russian Anthem (Patriotic Song) Slav’sya, Rus [Lyrics from 1991] Славься, Русь

In May 1991, the artistic director of the ensemble. Alexandrova, Igor Agafonnikov recorded the anthem with the following words: Russian - Славься, Русь — великая страна! Славься, Русь — свободна и сильна. Славься Труд, Богатство и Земля, Расцветай, Отчизна моя! Присягает российский народ Конституции прав и свобод И в душе рождаются слова: Славься, Русь — Отчизна моя! English - Glory, Russia is a great country! Glory, Russia is free and strong. Glory to Labor, Wealth and Earth, Blossom, my Fatherland! The Russian people swear Constitutions of rights and freedoms And the words are born in my soul: Glory, Russia - my Fatherland! Transliteration - Slav’sya, Rus’ — velikaya strana! Slav’sya, Rus’ — svobodna i sil’na. Slav’sya Trud, Bogatstvo i Zemlya, Rastsvetay, Otchizna moya! Prisyagayet rossiyskiy narod Konstitutsii prav i svobod I v dushe rozhdayutsya slova: Slav’sya, Rus’ — Otchizna moya! It was not adopted possibly because of Article 2 of the Law of the RSFSR of December 25, 1991 N 2094-I. [D
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