May Day: Violent Clashes, Building Set on Fire in Paris at French Pension Reform Demonstration

Chaotic scenes in France on Monday, as massive crowds took to the streets for May Day demonstrations and protests against the pension reform. Violence broke out in the French capital early into the afternoon, with some in the crowd smashing windows at businesses along Boulevard Voltaire. Police fired teargas, and were pelted with stones, fireworks and other projectiles. Hours of clashes ensued along the march and at Place de la Nation, where a building was set on fire at the square. Police officers were injured and several arrests were made, with the crowd eventually being dispersed later in the evening. The demonstration came amid continued anger over the raising of the retirement age in France, with many large-scale protests taking place over the last few months. May 1st, International Workers’ Day and a public holiday in France for Fête du Travail, was chosen as the latest date for mass mobilization, on a day that is often marked annually by protests and rallies.
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