Building Biologist Shane Reilly Reflects on His EMF Journey

Shane Reilly shares his story about moving from a career as a firefighter to building biologist, helping families protect their children from wireless radiation and electromagnetic fields in their home and schools. Message From Shane Reilly: “I can hardly believe it has now been a decade since the dawning of my EMF awareness! It seemed like a great time to put something together in video format to capture the past, present, and future. There is immense power in sharing our stories, and I clearly remember how intense it was ten years ago trying to cut through the noise on EMF and get down to the meaningful details. I gratefully remember those that were lights in the darkness along the way, and am hopeful that my story could be of help to those starting their EMF journeys. “Back then, I never saw EMF as something that would change my life so drastically, certainly not closing down and opening up career paths. It was centered on promoting health for my family. But then it hit
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