Planting and caring for apple trees - Thu Hien Farm

Planting and caring for apple trees - Thu Hien Farm Hello friends. The zucchini had no fruit, so I went to clean up the zucchini tree and cut the apple branches into bundles. Clean up to spray weeds and prune apple branches to prepare flowers for this year’s harvest. ................................................................ Welcome to Thu Hien farm I was born and raised in the rural and mountainous areas of Northern. A place with many hills and mountains, fresh air, peace and poetry. Let’s explore life in my hometown! My rural life: gardening, growing vegetables, taking care of crops, raising livestock, harvesting. #ThuHienfarm, #thuhienfarm #rurallife, #farm, #gardening, #growingvegetables, #harvesting #cleanupapples #pruningapple #plants #Plantingapple #caringforappletrees
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