Making apple trellis, pruning apple tops - Thu Hien farm

Please help me reach 1000 sub ................................................................ Making an apple trellis, pruning the apple tops - Thu Hien farm Hello everyone Welcome to Thu Hien farm Today my husband and I went to rebuild the apple trellis because our family has had it for 2 years, the rainy and windy weather has caused many trees to fall. My husband tied the apple branches, I pruned the apple branches so that the trees could create a canopy around the trellis. After that, I went home to cook boiled water spinach, braised fish with soy sauce, and stir-fried papaya with onions. ................................................................ Welcome to Thu Hien farm I was born and raised in the rural and mountainous areas of Northern. A place with many hills and mountains, fresh air, peace and poetry. Let’s explore life in my hometown! My rural life: gardening, growing vegetables, taking care of crops, raising livestock, harvesting. #ThuHienfarm, #thuhienfarm #rurallife, #farm, #gardening, #growingvegetables, #harvesting #Makingappletrellis, #pruningappletops
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