How to Create the Slit Scan Effect from “2001: A Space Odyssey“ with Adobe After Effects

Re-creating the Stargate slit scan effect from 2001: A Space Odyssey using Adobe After Effects. The Patreon link I mentioned: Videos I reference: Doug Trumbull describes his process at the Toronto International Film Festival: Cinema Tyler discusses the slit scan as part of his series on 2001: Filmmaker IQ discusses the slit scan effect: I create slit scan images by placing moving images (animated layers or video) in a narrow comp, then repeating that comp across a wider comp (with RepeTile), and displacing each instance of the comp in time. This simulates a streak camera (or document scanner). These images can then be distorted (corner pinned) to simulate perspective and depth, which is the foundation of the “Stargate“ look. Key effects used: - CC RepeTile - Time Displacement #AfterEffects #SlitS
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