3.1 Hell: Views Of The Underworld in Ancient Ugarit

All images used are in the public domain. The Baal Epic: Texts used Stories from Ancient Canaan (Paperback) Canaanite deities: Essay: Ugarit and the Bible The Baal Epic: -------his son(s), Thor [ ] And Ltpn, God of Mercy, replies: [ ] “The name of my son is Yw-El [ ].“ And he proclaims the name of Sea [ ]. They reply: “- - - [ ] Thou art named ’Lord’ [ ] I am Ltpn, God [of Mercy, ] On the hands, thou art named [ ] Thy name is El’s Darling, [Sea ] My house of silver which [ ] In the hands of Aliyan Ba[al ] A pitcher of wine - - - [ ] Drive him out from the se[at of his kingship] [From the dais, the throne,] of his sovereignty [ ] And they, even to [ ] He will smite the
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