10 minutes of West Pest - Ambient, Techno, Acid, Electro and other odd West Coast noises
First jams with the cre8audio West Pest monophonic analog synthesizer. Loving the sounds so far and I haven’t yet begun using the patchbay. I plan on doing another video exploring some patching with my other modular stuff. Have a listen and see if there’s something you like:
0:00 Ambient Sine Wave Folding playing the internal keyboard in hold mode
1:02 144 BPM Techno Triangle Rumble using the sequencer and transpose function
1:57 Wonky Acid using random waves on note trigs
2:50 Plucky Notes scrolling through the different oscillator waveforms and random mode
4:29 Odd Steps in 7/8 using saw osc with slow LFO modulating fold and release
5:35 29 Step Rubber Boogie using internal sequencer and osc folding
6:39 FM Modulation Havoc using audio rate LFO speeds
7:50 18 Step Electro Sequence with dual oscillator wavefolding
8:44 Strange clangy plucks with high speed LFO modulation of fold and release
I have added some reverb from Valhalla VintageVerb otherwise no other eff
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