Beatles Blackbird Vibafemba acapella quintet choir

Smashing performance Sweden’s best male capella group great stereo sound unusual bridge. Do yourself a favor and use a good set of headphones for this. The group started out 1984 and is still active based in Uppsala Sweden. Blackbird was written by Paul McCartney of the Beatles included on the White album. Arr. by Gunnar Misgeld. The group name is sometimes spelled as one word sometimes as two. Viba Femba’s records are found here: SE: femba NO: femba DK: femba EU: femba US: Homepage: I first saw these guys in a small midnite show in an old wooden cinema at Skinnskatteberg choir festival in 1990? and they completely blew me away. Next year they were back and at the end of the show there was a total power failure with total darkness and no sound system. That didnt bother them at all
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